Garage Spider Infestation (How to Get Rid of Them)

If you’re a homeowner, you know that spiders are a common sight in garages. These eight-legged creatures can be found lurking in the shadows, and their presence can be unsettling. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of spiders in your garage and keep them out for good.

Garage Spider Infestation (How to Get Rid of Them)

The first step in dealing with a spider problem in your garage is to identify the type of spider you’re dealing with. The most common spider found in garages is the wolf spider. These spiders have an inch-long body with a black or brown coloring and hairy-looking legs. While they are generally harmless, their bite can cause a mild allergic reaction in some people.

To keep spiders out of your garage, you can try a variety of methods. One effective technique is to use a vinegar spider repellent. You can also remove any clutter from your garage, as spiders like to hide in dark, cluttered areas. Additionally, sealing any cracks or gaps in your garage can help prevent spiders from entering.

Key Takeaways

  • Types of Garage Spiders: Garage spiders come in various types, including wolf spiders, hobo spiders, and long-bodied cellar spiders. Each type has its unique characteristics, behaviors, and potential risks.
  • Identifying Spider Infestations: Signs of a spider infestation in your garage include the presence of spider webs, egg sacs, nests, shed skin, and droppings. Recognizing these signs is crucial for taking timely action.
  • Why Spiders Choose Garages: Spiders are attracted to garages due to the dark, cluttered environment with numerous hiding spots. Garages also provide shelter from the elements and a source of food, as insects are often drawn to these spaces.
  • Common Access Points for Spiders: Spiders can enter your garage through openings like doors, windows, cracks, vents, and gaps. Ensuring these entry points are sealed can help prevent spider infestations.
  • Spider Food Sources in Garages: Spiders thrive in garages because of the abundance of food sources, including bugs, insects, food debris, and clutter. Keeping your garage clean and food-free can deter spiders.
  • Natural Spider Repellents: Natural spider repellents like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, white vinegar, and citrus can be used to keep spiders away. Spraying these solutions in spider-prone areas is an effective preventive measure.
  • DIY Spider Control Methods: You can take several DIY approaches to control spiders in your garage, including cleaning and decluttering, using vinegar and dish soap solutions, installing sticky traps, and improving garage lighting. However, for severe infestations, it may be best to seek professional pest control services.

Types of Garage Spiders

When it comes to garage spiders, there are several types that you may encounter. Some of the most common types of garage spiders include wolf spiders, hobo spiders, and long-bodied cellar spiders. Each type of spider has its unique characteristics, behaviors, and risks associated with it.

Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders are the most common type of spider found in garages. They have an inch-long body with a black or brown coloring and hairy-looking legs. Although generally harmless, their bite can cause a mild allergic reaction.

Hobo Spiders

Hobo spiders are another type of spider that you may encounter in your garage. They are brown in color and have a distinctive V-shaped marking on their back. Hobo spiders are venomous, and their bite can cause skin lesions and other symptoms.

Long-Bodied Cellar Spiders

Long-bodied cellar spiders, also known as daddy long-legs, are thin and fragile-looking spiders with long, thin legs. They are not venomous and are generally harmless to humans. However, they can be a nuisance as they spin webs in corners and other hard-to-reach places.

Other Spiders

Other types of spiders that you may find in your garage include black widows, brown recluses, and widow spiders. These spiders are venomous and can cause severe symptoms if bitten. It’s essential to take precautions to prevent these spiders from entering your garage.

Identifying Spider Infestations

If you suspect that your garage has been taken over by spiders, there are several signs that you should be on the lookout for. The most obvious sign of a spider infestation is the presence of spider webs or cobwebs. These can be found in corners, along walls, and in other areas where spiders like to hide. You may also find egg sacs, which are small, round, and usually white or beige in color. These sacs are where female spiders lay their eggs, and they can contain anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred eggs.

Another sign of a spider infestation is the presence of nests. Some species of spiders, such as cellar spiders, build small, tangled nests out of silk, which they use as a home base. These nests can be found in corners, along walls, and in other areas where spiders like to hide. If you notice several of these nests in your garage, it’s a good indication that you have a spider infestation.

In addition to these signs, you may also notice other indications of a spider infestation. For example, you may find small piles of shed skin or droppings near spider hiding spots. These droppings can be black or brown in color and may resemble small pellets.

If you suspect that you have a spider infestation in your garage, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Spiders can be difficult to get rid of once they have established a presence in your home, and they can pose a health risk to you and your family.

Why Spiders Choose Garages

Garages are a common location for spiders to set up their homes. There are several reasons why spiders are attracted to garages.

Firstly, garages are often dark and have many corners and crevices that provide a perfect hiding place for spiders. These dark corners are ideal for spiders to build their webs and catch prey. Spiders also prefer to live in areas with clutter, such as cardboard boxes, furniture, and workbenches, as they provide additional hiding spots.

Another reason why spiders choose garages is that they offer protection from the elements. Garages provide shelter from the rain, wind, and sun, making them an ideal location for spiders to live. Additionally, garages are often cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, providing a comfortable environment for spiders.

Finally, garages are a source of food for spiders. Bugs and insects are often attracted to garages, and spiders can easily catch and eat them. Spiders are especially attracted to areas where there is a lot of clutter, as these areas tend to attract more insects.

To prevent spiders from taking up residence in your garage, it is important to keep the area clean and free of clutter. Regularly sweep and vacuum the floors, and keep cardboard boxes and other clutter to a minimum. You can also use spider repellents or essential oils to keep spiders away.

Common Access Points for Spiders

Spiders can sneak into your garage through various openings. Here are some common access points for spiders to enter your garage:

Doors and Windows

Spiders can crawl through gaps in doors and windows. Be sure to check for any openings or cracks in the frames, and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping. Installing screens on windows and doors can also help keep spiders out.

Cracks and Openings

Spiders can enter through even the tiniest of cracks and openings in your garage walls or foundation. Be sure to inspect the walls and foundation for any gaps or cracks. Seal any openings with caulk or foam sealant.

Garage Door

The garage door is another common access point for spiders. Check the weatherstripping around the garage door and replace it if it is worn or damaged. Be sure to also check the bottom of the garage door for any gaps or openings.

Gaps and Vents

Spiders can enter through gaps or vents in the garage walls or roof. Check the vent covers and make sure they are secure. If there are any gaps, seal them with caulk or foam sealant.

Clutter and Debris

Spiders love clutter and debris, so be sure to keep your garage clean and free of any unnecessary items. Store items in sealed plastic bins instead of cardboard boxes, which can attract spiders.

Spider Food Sources in Garages

Spiders are attracted to garages because they provide a perfect environment for them to thrive. One of the main reasons spiders infest garages is the abundance of food sources. Insects, bugs, and other arthropods are the primary food source for most spiders, and garages provide a perfect habitat for them. Here are some common spider food sources in garages:

  • Bugs and Insects: Spiders feed on various bugs and insects, such as ants, flies, bees, silverfish, roaches, and earwigs. These pests are attracted to garages because they provide shelter, warmth, and food. Spiders can easily catch and feed on these bugs, which makes garages an ideal place for them to live.
  • Food: Another food source for spiders in garages is food debris. If you store food items in your garage, it can attract pests like ants and flies, which, in turn, can attract spiders. Spiders can feed on leftover food, crumbs, and other food debris, making it essential to keep your garage clean and free of food waste.
  • Cardboard Boxes: Cardboard boxes are a common hiding place for bugs and insects, which can attract spiders. Spiders can easily crawl into these boxes and feed on the insects inside. It is advisable to use plastic storage containers with lids to store your belongings in the garage.
  • Clutter: Clutter in the garage can provide hiding places for insects and bugs, which can attract spiders. Spiders can easily hide in piles of clutter and feed on the insects that are attracted to it. It is essential to keep your garage clean and free of clutter to prevent spider infestations.

Natural Spider Repellents

If you’re looking for a natural way to repel spiders from your garage, there are several options available. One of the most effective natural spider repellents is peppermint oil. Spiders hate the smell of peppermint, so spraying a peppermint oil solution around your garage can help keep them away. To make the solution, mix 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle and spray it in areas where spiders tend to hide, such as under furniture, in closets, and in other corners and crevices of your garage.

Another essential oil that can help repel spiders is eucalyptus oil. Like peppermint oil, spiders are repelled by the strong smell of eucalyptus. You can make a eucalyptus oil spider repellent by mixing 10-15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil with water in a spray bottle and spraying it around your garage.

Tea tree oil is also effective at repelling spiders. It has a strong scent that spiders find unpleasant, so they will avoid areas where it has been sprayed. To make a tea tree oil spider repellent, mix 10-15 drops of tea tree essential oil with water in a spray bottle and spray it in areas where spiders tend to hide.

In addition to essential oils, there are other natural spider repellents you can use in your garage. White vinegar is a common household item that can be used to repel spiders. Spiders are sensitive to the smell of vinegar, so spraying a solution of white vinegar and water around your garage can help keep them away.

Another natural spider repellent is citrus. Spiders are repelled by the smell of citrus, so placing citrus peels around your garage can help keep them away. You can also make a citrus spray by mixing water with citrus essential oils and spraying it around your garage.

DIY Spider Control Methods

When it comes to getting rid of spiders in your garage, there are several DIY methods you can try before resorting to professional help. Here are some effective ways to control spiders in your garage:

Clean and Declutter Your Garage

Spiders love cluttered and messy spaces as they provide plenty of hiding spots. Therefore, it is essential to keep your garage clean and organized to minimize the chances of spiders making it their home. Sweep and vacuum the floors regularly, and remove any cobwebs you come across. Also, declutter your garage of any unnecessary items, which will eliminate hiding spots for spiders.

Use Vinegar and Dish Soap Solution

Vinegar and dish soap solution is an effective DIY spider repellent that you can create at home. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and dish soap in a spray bottle and add water to fill it up. Spray the solution in areas where spiders are likely to hide, such as corners, cracks, and crevices. The smell of vinegar repels spiders, while the dish soap helps to break down their exoskeletons, making them more vulnerable.

Install Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are another effective way to control spiders in your garage. These traps are designed to attract and trap spiders, preventing them from moving around. You can place them in areas where spiders frequently travel, such as along walls, corners, and ceilings. Be sure to check the traps regularly and dispose of them once they are full.

Use Bug Bombs or Foggers

Bug bombs or foggers are a more aggressive method of controlling spiders in your garage. These products release a fog that penetrates every nook and cranny, killing spiders and other insects. However, they can be harmful to humans and pets if not used correctly. Therefore, be sure to follow the instructions on the product label carefully and take necessary safety precautions.

Improve Your Garage Lighting

Spiders are attracted to dark and dimly lit spaces, making your garage a perfect spot for them to hide. Therefore, improving your garage lighting can help to discourage them from making it their home. Install bright LED lights and ensure that all areas of your garage are well-lit.

Professional Spider Control Services

When it comes to dealing with spider infestations in your garage, professional help can be the best solution. Professional pest control services have the expertise and tools necessary to identify the type of spider infesting your garage and the most effective methods for removing them.

Pest control companies offer a range of services for spider control, including inspection, treatment, and prevention. During an inspection, a pest control professional will thoroughly examine your garage for spider activity and identify any potential entry points. They will also be able to determine the type of spider and the best treatment method.

The cost of professional spider control services can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the size of the garage. However, many pest control companies offer free inspections and estimates, so it’s worth reaching out to a few different companies to compare prices.

One benefit of hiring a professional pest control company is that they use safe and effective methods for removing spiders from your garage. They also have access to professional-grade products that are not available to the general public. Additionally, pest control companies can provide ongoing prevention services to keep spiders from returning to your garage.

If you decide to hire a pest control company for spider control, it’s important to choose a reputable company with a proven track record of success. Look for companies with good reviews and high ratings from the Better Business Bureau. You can also ask for referrals from friends and family members who have dealt with spider infestations in the past.

Preventing Future Spider Infestations

To prevent future spider infestations in your garage, you need to eliminate the factors that attract spiders and make your garage a conducive environment for them. Here are some tips to help you prevent future spider infestations:

  • Seal cracks and openings: Spiders can crawl through the tiniest of openings. Use caulk to fill in any small cracks or holes in your garage walls, floors, and ceiling. Be sure to smooth it out so that it is level with the rest of the surface. This will prevent spiders from entering your garage through these openings.
  • Use weather-stripping: Install weather-stripping around doors and windows to create a tight seal. This will prevent spiders from entering your garage through these openings.
  • Keep your garage organized: Spiders like cluttered spaces. Store items in containers and keep them off the floor. This will make it harder for spiders to find hiding spots in your garage.
  • Fix leaks: Spiders need water to survive. Fix any leaks in your garage to eliminate sources of water.
  • Protect your garage: Install screens on windows and doors to prevent spiders from entering your garage. You can also install a door sweep to prevent spiders from crawling under your garage door.
  • Use spider repellent: There are many spider repellents available on the market. Some of the best spider repellents include Miss Muffet’s Revenge and peppermint oil. These repellents will keep spiders away from your garage.
  • Clean up your garage: Regularly clean your garage to eliminate any spider webs and spider eggs. Spiders prey on other small insects; thus, if you maintain hygienic conditions in your garage by regular cleaning and maintenance, you can keep it bug and spider-free.

FAQ: Garage Spider Infestation

How can I control spider infestation in my garage?

To control spider infestation in your garage, you should start by decluttering and cleaning the garage. Spiders love hiding places, so the more clutter you have, the more likely they will find a home there. Clear out any old boxes, furniture, or other items that provide shelter for them. Additionally, you can use spider repellents or insecticides to kill spiders and prevent them from coming back.

What are some natural ways to repel spiders in the garage?

There are several natural ways to repel spiders in the garage. You can use essential oils like peppermint, citrus, or tea tree oil to create a spider repellent spray. Spiders also dislike the smell of vinegar, so you can spray a mixture of vinegar and water around the garage. Another natural way to repel spiders is to plant spider-repelling plants like lavender, eucalyptus, or mint near the garage.

Is it advisable to kill spiders in the garage?

While spiders can be creepy and scary, they are actually beneficial to have around as they prey on other insects like mosquitoes and flies. However, if you have a spider infestation in your garage or if you are allergic to spider bites, it may be necessary to kill them. You can use spider traps or insecticides to kill spiders, but make sure to follow the instructions carefully and use them safely.

What types of spiders are commonly found in garages?

The most common types of spiders found in garages are wolf spiders, cellar spiders, and brown recluse spiders. Wolf spiders are large and hairy with black or brown coloring, while cellar spiders are small and have long thin legs. Brown recluse spiders are venomous and have a distinctive violin-shaped marking on their body.

What are the causes of spider infestation in the garage?

The main causes of spider infestation in the garage are darkness and clutter. Spiders love dark and undisturbed places, making garages an ideal location for them. A garage with poor lighting creates a perfect environment for these eight-legged creatures to thrive. Additionally, clutter provides spiders with plenty of hiding places and shelter.

What are some effective methods to keep spiders out of the garage?

To keep spiders out of the garage, you should start by decluttering and cleaning the garage. This will eliminate their hiding places and shelter. You can also seal any cracks or gaps in the garage to prevent spiders from entering. Additionally, you can use spider repellents or insecticides to kill spiders and prevent them from coming back.

Rosa Peterson

Rose is the writer and creator of Better That Home, a blog about home design and decor. Rose has been designing spaces for over 10 years and writing home design and decor for big publishers. She has been inspired by many other creatives from around the world and loves to share those inspirations with her readers. Read more about Rose here