Wood vs Plastic Toilet Seat: Which Material is Better?

Photo of a wooden toilet seat on the left and a white plastic toilet seat on the right. 
Wood vs Plastic Toilet Seat.

When it comes to selecting a toilet seat, you might be wondering whether a wooden or plastic one is the better choice. Both types have their pros and cons, and the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference. Wooden seats are known for their warmth and comfort, while plastic seats are more affordable and easier to clean.

Wooden toilet seats have been around for a long time and are often associated with a more traditional or rustic bathroom aesthetic. They are typically made from molded wood and can be stained or painted to match your bathroom decor. Plastic toilet seats, on the other hand, are a more modern option and are available in a wide range of colors and styles. They are often preferred for their low cost, durability, and ease of maintenance.

Ultimately, the choice between a wood vs plastic toilet seat comes down to what matters most to you. Are you looking for a seat that is warm and comfortable or one that is easy to clean and maintain? Do you prefer a traditional or modern look for your bathroom? By weighing the pros and cons of each option, you can make an informed decision that meets your needs and preferences.

Key Takeaways

  • Both wooden and plastic toilet seats have their pros and cons, with the final decision usually being about personal preference.
  • Wooden toilet seats are known for their comfort and warmth. They offer a traditional and rustic aesthetic but can be more expensive and harder to maintain.
  • Plastic toilet seats are cheaper, easier to clean, and more durable. They offer a modern aesthetic and a wide range of colours and styles.
  • It’s important to consider the material, size, and potential additional features when choosing a toilet seat.
  • Both wooden and plastic toilet seats can be durable, but plastic is generally considered more so. Wooden toilets however provide more comfort and warmth.
  • Additional features to consider when choosing a toilet seat include a soft-close function and heating capabilities for plastic seats.
  • When purchasing a toilet seat, one should consider the size of the toilet bowl, hygiene considerations, comfort, style and designs preference, weight tolerance, and cost.

Understanding Toilet Seats

When it comes to choosing a new toilet seat, there are a few things you should consider. The material of the toilet seat is one of the most important factors to keep in mind. Wood and plastic are the two most common materials used for toilet seats.

Plastic toilet seats are generally cheaper and easier to clean than wooden toilet seats. They are also more durable and scratch-resistant. However, they can be cold to the touch, especially during the winter months. Plastic toilet seats are available in a wide range of colors and styles to match any bathroom decor.

Wooden toilet seats are typically more expensive than plastic toilet seats. They are also heavier and can be more difficult to clean. However, wooden toilet seats are often considered more comfortable than plastic toilet seats. They also provide a warmer surface to sit on, making them a good choice for colder climates. Wooden toilet seats are available in a variety of wood types and finishes, including wood veneer.

If you are looking for a toilet seat that combines the best of both worlds, you may want to consider a plastic and wood veneer toilet seat. These toilet seats feature a plastic base with a wood veneer finish, providing the durability of plastic with the warmth and style of wood.

When choosing a toilet seat, it is important to consider the size and shape of your toilet bowl. Most toilet seats are designed to fit either a round or elongated bowl. Measure your toilet bowl before purchasing a new toilet seat to ensure a proper fit.

In addition to the material and size of the toilet seat, you may also want to consider additional features such as soft-close hinges or quick-release buttons for easy cleaning.

Wood Toilet Seats

If you are in the market for a new toilet seat, you might be considering a wood toilet seat. Wood toilet seats are a popular choice for those who want a more traditional or rustic look in their bathroom. In this section, we will explore the pros and cons of wood toilet seats to help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

Pros of Wood Toilet Seats

One of the main advantages of wood toilet seats is their durability. They are made from solid wood or wood veneer, which is a natural material that can withstand wear and tear. Another advantage is their warmth. Wood toilet seats are warmer to the touch than plastic seats, which can be especially nice during the colder months.

Wood toilet seats also come in a variety of finishes, from natural wood to enameled wood. This means you can choose a finish that matches your bathroom decor. Additionally, wood toilet seats are heavier than plastic seats, which can make them feel more substantial and sturdy.

Cons of Wood Toilet Seats

One of the main disadvantages of wood toilet seats is that they require more maintenance than plastic seats. They need to be cleaned regularly and protected from moisture, as wood can warp or crack if exposed to too much water. Another disadvantage is that wood toilet seats are typically more expensive than plastic seats.

Wood toilet seats can also be heavier than plastic seats, which can make them more difficult to install. Additionally, some people may be allergic to the natural materials used in wood toilet seats, which can cause skin irritation.

Plastic Toilet Seats

When it comes to toilet seats, plastic is a popular choice due to its low cost, durability, and easy maintenance. In this section, we’ll explore the pros and cons of plastic toilet seats to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Plastic Toilet Seats

One of the biggest advantages of plastic toilet seats is their affordability. They are generally cheaper than wooden seats, making them a great option for those on a tight budget. Additionally, plastic seats are easy to clean and maintain. They can be wiped down with a damp cloth and mild soap, and they don’t require any special treatment or cleaning products.

Plastic toilet seats also come in a wide range of colors and styles, making it easy to find one that matches your bathroom décor. They are also lightweight, which can make them easier to install and remove if necessary.

Cons of Plastic Toilet Seats

While plastic toilet seats have many advantages, there are also some drawbacks to consider. One of the biggest concerns with plastic seats is that they may not be as durable as wooden seats. Over time, they can become cracked or damaged, especially if they are exposed to harsh cleaning chemicals or abrasive materials.

Another issue with plastic toilet seats is that they can become stained or discolored over time, especially if they are not cleaned regularly. Urine stains can be particularly difficult to remove from plastic seats, and they may require special cleaning products or techniques.

Finally, plastic toilet seats can be cold to the touch, especially in colder climates. They don’t retain heat as well as wooden seats, which can make them uncomfortable to sit on, especially during the winter months.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Toilet Seat

When it comes to choosing a toilet seat, there are many factors to consider. Here are some of the most important factors to keep in mind when buying a toilet seat:


Comfort should be one of the top priorities when choosing a toilet seat. You will be spending a lot of time on it, so make sure it is comfortable. Wooden seats are generally more comfortable than plastic seats, but it depends on the finishing and workmanship.


Hygiene is another important factor to consider when purchasing a toilet seat. Plastic seats are easy to clean and maintain, while wood is a highly absorbent material and can be difficult to keep clean. Make sure to choose a seat that is easy to clean and keep hygienic.


Durability is crucial when buying a toilet seat. You want a seat that will last for years without breaking or cracking. Both wood and plastic seats can be durable, but plastic seats are generally more durable than wooden seats.

Style and Design

The style and design of the toilet seat can also be an important factor to consider. You want a seat that matches the style and design of your bathroom. Plastic seats come in a wide variety of colors and designs, while wooden seats are more limited in their design options.

Weight Tolerance

Weight tolerance is another important factor to consider when choosing a toilet seat. Make sure the seat you choose can support the weight of all the people who will be using it.


Cost is always a consideration when buying a toilet seat. Wooden seats are generally more expensive than plastic seats, but they can also be more durable and comfortable.

Pro Tip:

When choosing a toilet seat, it's important to consider all of these factors to make sure you get the right seat for your needs.

Maintenance and Durability

When it comes to maintenance and durability, both wooden and plastic toilet seats have their advantages and disadvantages.

Wooden toilet seats are more prone to staining and require more frequent cleaning than plastic seats. However, they do come with a protective coating that can help prevent staining and make them easier to clean. Wooden seats are also less likely to crack than plastic seats, making them more durable in the long run.

On the other hand, plastic toilet seats are generally more durable and easier to keep clean than wooden seats. They are less likely to crack and are not as prone to staining. Additionally, plastic seats are often coated with an enamel finish that makes them even more resistant to scratches and stains.

To keep your toilet seat in good condition, it’s important to clean it regularly. For wooden seats, use a mild cleaner and avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the protective coating. For plastic seats, a simple wipe down with soap and water is usually sufficient.

It’s also important to be careful when installing and using your toilet seat. Avoid using excessive force when opening or closing the seat, as this can cause it to break or become loose. Additionally, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing your seat to ensure that it is properly secured and will not move around.

Additional Features

When choosing between a wood or plastic toilet seat, there are additional features that you may want to consider. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Soft Close

A soft-close toilet seat is a great feature to have if you’re tired of hearing the loud sound of a slamming toilet seat. This feature allows the seat to slowly and quietly close on its own, preventing any noise or damage to the toilet bowl. Soft-close seats are available in both wood and plastic options.

New Toilet Seat

If you’re replacing an old toilet seat, you may want to consider purchasing a new toilet seat that comes with additional features. Many new toilet seats come with soft-close technology, as well as other features like heated plastic or adjustable hinges for a more customized fit.

Also Available in a Soft-Close

If you’ve already decided on a wood or plastic toilet seat but would like the added benefit of a soft-close feature, don’t worry! Many toilet seats are available with soft-close technology as an add-on feature. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of a soft-close seat without having to replace your entire toilet seat.

Heated Plastic

If you live in a colder climate or just enjoy the luxury of a heated seat, you may want to consider a heated plastic toilet seat. These seats are designed to warm up quickly and provide a comfortable seating experience even on the coldest of days.

Toilet Bowl Fit

When selecting a new toilet seat, it’s important to ensure that it will fit your toilet bowl properly. Most toilet seats are designed to fit standard round or elongated toilet bowls, but it’s always a good idea to measure your toilet bowl before making a purchase. Standard toilet bowl measurements are 16.5 inches (42 cm) for a round bowl and 18.5 inches (47 cm) for an elongated bowl.

Color and Style Options

If you’re looking for a toilet seat that matches your bathroom decor, you’ll be happy to know that both wood and plastic toilet seats come in a variety of colors and styles. From classic white to bold colors and patterns, you’re sure to find a toilet seat that fits your personal style and preferences.

FAQ: Wood vs Plastic Toilet Seat

What is the difference between wood veneer toilet seats and solid wood toilet seats?

Wood veneer toilet seats are made by applying a thin layer of real wood over a base material, usually plastic. This gives the warmth and look of wood while providing the durability of plastic. Solid wood toilet seats are entirely made of wood which typically means they are heavier, more durable but also require more maintenance.

How does the weight of wooden toilet seats compare with that of plastic seats?

Wooden toilet seats are generally heavier than plastic seats. The exact difference in weight depends on the type of wood and the design of the seat, but generally, wood seats provide a sturdier feel due to their weight.

Can urine stains be an issue with plastic toilet seats?

Yes, urine stains can be an issue with plastic toilet seats. Plastic can be porous, which can cause it to absorb liquids and result in staining. It can be particularly difficult to remove urine stains from plastic seats, and they may require special cleaning products or techniques.

How important is choosing the right material for a toilet seat?

Choosing the right material for a toilet seat is very important as it affects comfort, durability, maintenance, and style of the bathroom. Some people might prefer the easy cleaning and durability of plastic seats, while others prefer the warmth, comfort, and traditional aesthetic of wooden seats.

What are some potential disadvantages of choosing a plastic toilet seat?

Some potential disadvantages of choosing a plastic toilet seat include their tendency to be less durable compared to wooden seats – they can crack or get damaged over time, especially when exposed to harsh cleaning chemicals. They can also be cold during colder climates as they don’t retain heat like wooden seats.

How does using excessive force when opening or closing a toilet seat affect its durability?

Using excessive force when opening or closing a toilet seat can cause it to break or become loose over time. This is true for both plastic and wooden toilet seats. It’s especially important to avoid slamming the seat, as this can cause damage to both the seat and the toilet bowl.

Do wooden toilet seats require special care compared to plastic seats?

Yes, wooden toilet seats generally require more maintenance than plastic seats. They need to be cleaned regularly and protected from moisture because wood can warp or crack if exposed to too much water. Also, harsh chemicals that work well on plastic can damage the finish on wooden seats.

Rosa Peterson

Rose is the writer and creator of Better That Home, a blog about home design and decor. Rose has been designing spaces for over 10 years and writing home design and decor for big publishers. She has been inspired by many other creatives from around the world and loves to share those inspirations with her readers. Read more about Rose here